Our Portfolio.

Crafting Digital Success stories

Pixel by pixel.

• Zelo Electric.in

Problem : Zelo Electric, a manufacturer of electric scooters, faced a significant challenge with their previous website. It lacked a professional and branded look, leaving them dissatisfied with their online presence. The website’s appearance did not align with their desired image and failed to showcase their products effectively.



Our team at Zizzy stepped in to address Zelo Electric’s concerns. With our expertise in UI design and branding, we embarked on a mission to revolutionize their online presence. By understanding their vision and values, we created an amazing UI and branded website that surpassed their expectations.

The transformation was remarkable. Zelo Electric was thrilled with the outcome, as our solution breathed new life into their brand. The website now exudes professionalism, sophistication, and a strong sense of branding. It captures the essence of their electric scooters, creating a compelling online platform that aligns with their remarkable products.


CoinSwitch Kuber

Problem Solved: Expanding CoinSwitch Kuber’s Reach Organically

CoinSwitch Kuber needed to grow its organic reach in the competitive crypto market. We nailed it with entertaining short-form videos, sparking curiosity and engagement.

The result? A surge in app downloads, trading activity, and a buzzing community. 

• Seema Puri - IG Personal Brand. (177K Followers)

Empowering Seema Puri’s Social Media Success

Seema Puri, a creative powerhouse, faced the challenge of managing her overflowing ideas and reel edits on social media. As a talented individual, she had a surplus of content but struggled with effective organization and maintaining audience retention.


Enter our collaboration. While we may not have donned superhero capes, we were there behind the scenes, working our magic to empower Seema’s social media success. We brought order to the chaos, helping her streamline her content management and reel edits.

With our assistance, Seema experienced a boost in audience retention as her content took on a polished and engaging edge. While she remained the star, we played a supporting role in ensuring her ideas shone through, captivating her followers and growing her social media presence.

• Pankaj Shivnani - IG Personal Brand. (100k Followers)

Pankaj’s Social Media Success Story.

Pankaj, the founder of Zizzy, went from 0 to 100k in less than three months in tech and business niche. But this success didn’t come without its challenges.

We collaborated closely with Pankaj, researching winning ideas and retention strategies. We emphasized the importance of being authentic, creating shareable content, and delivering value to his audience. Through our partnership, Pankaj found his unique voice and carved a niche for himself in the digital world

• SEO - Negotiating Wisdom.

Problem: Bob Gibson, a skilled negotiation coach, wanted to attract corporate clients and boost visibility for his training programs. However, with tough competition in the coaching industry, standing out was a challenge.

Solution: We implemented effective SEO strategies! Collaborating with Bob, we optimized his website and content to rank relevant keywords on the first page of search results.



Result: Success! Bob’s coaching services gained visibility, attracting corporate clients seeking expert negotiation guidance. With improved rankings, he became a sought-after coach in the field.

Problem Solving People

When you meet us, you’ll discover a team of unique individuals working together to create extraordinary brand experiences.

Pankaj Shivnani-CEO
Priyanka Acharya-COO

Pankaj Shivnani


Priyanka Acharya


Our Amazing Work

Facebook Ad Strategies
Creating Shadow effect

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Short Video Platforms
Freelancing Websites